Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Bucket lists FTW

Blog Creeper is an avid bucket-lister....she's already crossed off most of her bucket list items, which means she will have to either create an entirely NEW bucket list for the future, or kill herself due to having nothing new to look forward to. :P Maybe one of her bucket list items can be helping me figure out my bucket list, since I've never made one and have no idea where to start. You see, I'm a simple person. I like to sleep. I like to eat. I like to lay back and watch Netflix. But I also LOVE lists (I will go into that love later...)

So I need some suggestions for a bucket list. I've been thinking of some things, and here's what I have at the moment:

  1. Run for public office--notice this does not say "win" public office. I am a born loser, but it sure would be fun to run for it. Being appointed would just as good, though....
  2. Win a decent pot playing Texas Hold Em--I'm talking about using my mad theatrical skills while fluttering my eyelashes and cooing to others in a Southern accent while secretly swindling them out of their common sense and stakes...
  3. Vacation in Australia/New Zealand--I love me some hobbitses
  4.  Run a 27 minute 5K--I hate running. I like winning.
  5. Win a personal injury case--I do not plan on pursuing personal injury; that said, I'd like to win one case and collect a fat fee--refer to #2
  6. Write a novel--it can be shitty. I just want to write one. Why the hell not?? 
  7.  Get a pedicure--I figure some need to be short-term. I can't write a novel in the next week, now can I? Have I mentioned I like winning?
  8. Use my undergrad degree for my law practice at least once. I will not go into my undergrad degree. I will say a case that utilizes it would be interesting.
  9.  Get married. Because we all should get married at least once. ;)
  10. Argue in front of a Supreme Court. Doesn't have to be SCOTUS.
Any more suggestions??

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