Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Bad timekeeping can get you fired in the big leagues....WHY NOT IN LAW SCHOOL?

Let me preface this with saying that I have NEVER EVER EVER left a law exam crying. I wouldn't have today either....except for something that I consider so fundamentally unfair and stupid, I couldn't help but be upset and pissed at my own helplessness. Let me also preface this with saying I didn't let anyone see me cry....because that's lame and not conducive to my awesome rep.

With that said.....let me explain the circumstances. I was taking a 50 question multiple choice law school final today. I stayed up a good portion of the night studying for this, and I felt reasonably prepared for the material. I'm not going to say I'm a pro at the information, but I certainly am not retarded in this particular area of the law (and by God, I can qualify just about anything to suit my purposes). I went through the exam marking the ones I knew, the ones I was confused about, and the ones where I might as well have just marked "C" for because I had no fucking idea.

Our administrator, whom I will now call "Beverly" (Bev for short), sat at the front of the room. Our clock...in a chair (presumably where everyone could see it). I like to see the clock. I don't own a watch and we cannot consult our cell phones (or at least, I don't because of the appearance of impropriety and the possible narcs in our class because, oh yeah, our classmates most assuredly sucks balls). So I'm going through my exam...

Two hours left.

One hour left.

30 minutes left.

15 minutes left. ::Bev picks up the clock and puts it in her lap::


I now cannot see the clock. I have no idea how much time I have left. I do not have a watch with which to check time because they provide you with a clock FOR A REASON. Surely she will count us down right?

Bev calls ten minutes.

Bev calls five minutes.

(Working feverishly at this point....a few more to go, and I can guess on the remainders, right?)


No fucking minute warning. No 30 second warning. Jack diddly shit.

I didn't mind the content. I did, however, mind the fact that I didn't complete FOUR of the answers because I was unaware I had approximately five.seconds.left. Four...out of 50. Which is almost 10% of the exam's overall score. Which I had approximately a 50% chance of getting right (I had narrowed each down to two possible answers).

This translates into FOUR points off my entire grade. Because this lady decided to put the fucking clock in her lap. If you are going to completely deny me the opportunity to know how much time is left, please count down at least the minute mark. Fuck you, Bev. The worst part is I'm sure beyond a reasonable doubt that my reporting this would have no impact on the outcome of my final, testing procedures for the future, or allow me to fill in those fucking blanks.

So yeah....my day=complete fail. Another test tomorrow.

Which means I can't even drown my sorrows in a barrel of tequila.

Maybe I can just drown myself in the barrel instead.

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