Jumat, 16 Desember 2005

What I'm Reading

So, the first actual post. And what do I give you? A list of what I buy. Please, hold the applause, and the rotten fruit. This is mostly so you, the kind reader, can get some idea of what you might be reading about here. So anyway, the titles I read can be broken up into four groups, based on how I feel when I pick it up each month.

Group 1 - I'm Excited Because I Know It'll Be Good - The Punisher, Batgirl, Ultimate Spider-Man, Ghost Rider. Few things in life are more dependable than the Punisher written by Garth Ennis. Horrific, sometimes hilarious death, with profanity. Something about Cassandra Cain the character just appeals to me, probably the large amount of room for growth, something DC disagrees with me about, apparently. The bastards. And Bendis' decompressive writing style just doesn't bother me on Ultimate Spider-Man, probably because of Bagley's art.

Group 2 - Books I Think Will Be Good, But They Might Suck - Teen Titans, Wolverine, Ultimate X-Men, Spider-Girl. These titles can't make Group 1 because of: Rob Leifield, House of M tie-in, just a general feeling, and the reemergence of the Venom symbiote, respectively.

Group 3 - Books I Hope Will Be Good, But I Figure They Won't - Amazing Spider-Man, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Marvel Knights Spider-Man. Hmm, I'm detecting a pattern here. And it isn't just "The Other". Basically it's been going downhill since Straczynski decided Gwen Stacy had children with Norman Osborn. Why JMS, why?

Group 4 - Just Do Something Already! - Robin, New Avengers. I'm sorry, I'm just tired of the whole "Will Robin join the military" story. It just seems to drag on, and now Robin is taking out OMACs? And teaming up with the Shadowpact? I am so sick of Infinite Crisis tie-ins, but that's a post for another time. As for N.A., it's been thirteen issues, and Bendis hasn't really done squat. I'll have more on that book later, but right now it's on life support. I'm waiting to see if this team line-up shuffle involves Hank Pym and the Wasp. If so, see you later.

Currently, I'm considering adding Excaliber, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to start reading X-Factor. And maybe Cable and Deadpool. Not for Cable, and certainly not for 'and'. Just for Deadpool.

So that takes care of that, hopefully tomorrow, I'll get into some more interesting posts, as opposed to these housekeeping, set-up posts. Maybe I'll review what I bought this week.

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