Sabtu, 17 Desember 2005

Let's Keep It Clean People

At the end of my last post, I said I was going to discuss DC's dominance in the blogosphere (Blogsphere?). That is, while there are quite a few sites that discuss both of the "Big Two", there are seemingly almost as many that discuss only DC. In contrast, Marvel-only sites seem almost nonexistent. So, the post is going to be an open question about why that is. I know DC is currently outselling Marvel, that DC apparently has locked up many of the best writers with exclusive deals (greedy bastards), and are planning to royally piss me off with Infinite Crisis and One Year Later. All that being said, I figure there would be a few REALLY passionate Marvelites out there. Maybe I've just missed them. Anyway, I figured this would ultimately become a Marvel vs. DC thread, and I've seen that often enough in game console form (Playstation kicks Xbox's ass! No way!), to just prefer to avoid it. I am going to discuss my reasons for preferring Marvel over DC at some point, but not today. But if someone wants to try and explain their preference, I'd really appreciate that.

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