Sabtu, 17 Desember 2005

Link Post

Originally, this was going to be one paragraph of my "What I Bought This Week" post (coming later today! Yeah!). But I tend to ramble, so I figured it could be it's own post. Lot of good sites there, some I've been reading for a couple of months, like Dave's Long Box, the first comic blog I found thanks to a link to his Power Girl post. That was what we call an 'attention-getter'. Thank you Sheriff Justice! This would work so much better with pictures. Well, soon, so bear with me.

One note: if you are primarily a Marvel fan, like me (but not apparently like many of the bloggers here), then you might want to watch out for Scipio's Absorbascon. I will admit that some of the posts where he expresses his, how should I put it, disdain, for Marvel have been known to leave me muttering curses. Something along the lines of hoping a rabid badger makes its way into his pants. That being said, he gives me a laugh much more often so visit the site, and all the others over there. They have good stuff, and it's much prettier than mine. And a special shout-out to Pretty, Fuzzy Paradise, by kalinara. For whatever reason her blog was the kick in the pants that caused me to start this place up.

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