Sabtu, 30 April 2011

LSF=Rocky series

So I've been studying Con Law while my boyfriend sits on the couch watching AMC's back-to-back series of Rocky. And right about the time he stands up and mimics Rocky, bellowing "Yo Adrian, I DID IT!!!!!!" it hits me:


And I don't mean in a cool, wins-a-lot-of-money kinda way. I mean in the kinda way where you get your ass beat, and just about the time you find your footing again, you sustain another hit to the head that will almost certainly result in brain damage. (My boyfriend will have me and everyone out there in blogland know that this was a TOUCHING scene; he cried for that scene the first time he watched it). Ok-kaaay.....

The first time I endured law school finals (LSF), I studied my ass off. I memorized and I flow charted and I outlined, and I *may* have even woken up the morning of my contracts final and hurriedly whispered the entire outline in my boyfriend's ear while hysterically, albeit quietly, having a Chernobyl-sized meltdown. My studying and subsequent meltdown still couldn't save me from the disappointment of a semester's worth of mediocre grades, and the feeling that Rocky must have experienced when they decided the other dude won by a marginal point in the first movie. Even though the other dude DIDN'T TRAIN AS HARD AND DIDN'T DESERVE IT. 

The rest of the Rocky movies are also the story of my life, insofar as finals are to be discussed, and I'm pretty sure all law students can relate to this--even when you win, YOU LOSE. You study and study and study for an exam, and even if you kick some Mr. T ass (or, in your case, some Civil Pro ass), you have to wonder whether winning the fight was worth enduring the ass-beating you, yourself, were given.

I'm personally not a fan of getting my face punched in. I don't like even the imagined taste of blood in my mouth. And I'm not quite sure Rocky ever gets what he deserves in life. Yes, he wins some fights (and supposedly ends the Cold War....right.....), but ultimately, he ends up with brain damage (big shocker there), a whole lot of missing teeth (one of my BIGGEST fears), and loses his fortune because his asshole accountant abuses his power-of-attorney privileges. Oh yeah, and his wife dies and his son basically sucks. 

But like Rocky, we keep going back for more. And maybe after I sustain enough brain damage, I'll be okay with that. Like Rocky said, "It ain't about how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward."

Bring it on, law school finals. Y'all may beat my ass, this ain't Rocky I (or VI)--I ain't gonna lose by a split decision. I'm gonna kick.your.ass.

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