Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

Welcome to the real world, Friends style.

I've been reading a lot of stressed out bar studiers' statuses on Twitter/Facebook/etc and they all seem to be in the throes of bemoaning their lack of ability to find a job when they inevitably fail the bar exam.

PSA: passing the bar exam does not automatically grant you a golden ticket to Employment Avenue. 

(I know Joey...I'm shocked too!)

What it does is gives you the opportunity to seek legal jobs. And, if you're anything like me, the capability to receive HUNDREDS of rejections from aforementioned jobs.

I love you, Chandler. 

Now, I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer (okay, maybe I am), but that also means that this is good news: you can fail the bar and still be in the same boat as someone who PASSES it.

See? I'm a glass half full kinda girl. 

So study hard. And remember: even if you pass, you can fail. At LIFE. (Like me.)

And by love, I mean hate. 

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