Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

Bar Exam Blues....

I leave for my hotel tomorrow. On Tuesday, I start the bar. I finish it on Wednesday. 

I rarely panic. Instead, my body chooses to exhibit stress in horrific ways. Like mouth ulcers. And stomach aches. And headaches. And other things that I have elected not to share with the blawg universe. 

Mentally, I am fine. I think it is because I am in a state of denial. I do not think I have studied enough, but I'm pretty sure no one ever does (and if they do, they're probably going to fail, because that's just moronic and they don't deserve to pass the bar if they're morons). When I sit for the test, I will be fine. 

My issues arise during the WAIT for my scores. I am "lucky" enough to find out my results on my birthday. Not at the beginning of the day, either. I receive the results at 4:00 in the afternoon. Anyone that knows me can tell you that I.HATE.WAITING. I love surprises, but not surprises like this. I like surprises like Christmas gifts. And good meals. And flowers. And edible arrangements. Even if I pass the bar and get positive results, there is no way that this can ever be considered a "happy surprise." What I guess I'm trying to say is my mental disturbance will almost certainly emerge during my waiting period. 

You have been warned.

In other news, I plan on watching the rest of my Agency/Parnership video tonight. I'll probably quickly review Wills/Trusts/Estates, and briefly glance at Corporations (because I'm pretty sure I've already disposed of that knowledge since watching it previously). Tonight I'll probably take a few MPQ questions and flip through my gorgeous laminated "templates." Tomorrow, I drive. And languish. And Tuesday, I sweat. 

To everyone else taking the bar, I have but one thing to say: 

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