Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

Decorating for Halloween

It is finally October and it is the season of dark clouds and ghouls.  Halloween or Samhain is in the air.  The ancients believed that the veil between worlds thinned at this time of year.  They believed that this thinning allowed for ghosts and dark spirits to cross over to our world.   Bon fires were lit to drive such spirits away and many of our traditions come from techniques people used to drive bad spirits away.  All of this is usually forgotten now, however. Halloween has evolved into the most exciting time of year for all of us out there that like the dark side of things and I've begun to decorate.  Here are a few pictures of the first of my Halloween decorations to go up this year.   There will be more, but this is a fun beginning!  Happy preparations and I hope everyone out there is having as much fun as I am getting ready for Halloween.   I will be traveling this week and will be posting many ghostly tales to get everyone ready for this most ghostly time of year.

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