Minggu, 11 September 2011

I remember....

Like many others, where I was when the Twin Towers went down will forever be branded into my mind.

I was sitting in my ninth grade English teacher's class chatting with her before the bell rang. She always kept CNN on in the morning, and all of a sudden, there were reports of an airplane crashing into the World Trade Center. I specifically remember saying out loud  "Oh my God; what a horrible accident." When the second plane hit, we both realized it was not an accident. And that's when the entire world changed.

Every television in our school was on that day. No one assigned school work. We just sat. And watched. Quietly. Our entire state was on high alert because of the nearby military bases, and as we saw the buildings fall, knew that there were people still inside, we began to realize that there was more to worry about than what we were wearing for homecoming. We saw true heroism. We saw those willing to risk their lives for others and for their country.

The last three years of law school, I have had the same professor read my class a transcript of what occurred on Flight 93: about the group of people that chose to fight their hijackers and died in a Pennsylvania field, rather than in Washington, D.C., when their plane crashed. The strength of the human spirit never fails to amaze me, and that story has never become trite.

It may have occurred ten year ago, when I was only 14 years old, but I remember.

And I will never forget.

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