Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Thursday? That's okay....

Yep, I'm linking up again with Neely and Amber this Thursday, because sometimes, you really do need to say that it's okay.

It's okay....

To want others to embrace tolerance, acceptance, and compassion.

To let your dog sleep in bed with you like a person.

That all the leaves have fallen off the trees in your backyard, making it look like fall, while it's still 100 degrees outside.

To stay in bed until 11:30 in the morning.

To fill out Sudoku puzzles out in pen.

To scratch through Sudoku puzzles when you mess up because you're filling them in with a pen.

That you've not unpacked suitcases from two weeks ago.

That you prefer Ravenclaw over Gryffindor.

To check the mail six times in one day because you're waiting on a package.

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