Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

The Top Ten Best Ghost/Haunting Movies

I did a lot of research before I came up with this list.  I read many other lists of the top ten best ghost movies and reviewed my favorites and their merits.  I have to say that one thing I learned reviewing so  many of these lists is that these lists are all very different and because of that I admit that this is my subjective judgment on the matter.  The top five on my list are movies that were present on almost every list I reviewed.

10.   The House on Haunted Hill 
9.   Poltergeist

8.  The Ring 

7.  Ghostbusters  


6.   The Grudge     

5.  The Orphanage   


4.  Beetlejuice      

3.   The Others    

2.  The Shinning

1. The Haunting (1963)


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