Selasa, 03 Januari 2006

What Are those Things On The End of Your Shoelaces? Things I Think About #5

That's right, I found a decent computer, hurrah. They're aglets. Not relevant. My real question is, what happened to the citations in comic books. You know, you're reading Uncanny X-Men and Shadowcat says something like "We haven't seen Yukio since that battle with Sunfire and the Renagade Panda Squadron"*. And then at the bottom of the panel, there would be some little box and it would say "*in the now classic Uncanny X-Men #153" or something like that. I don't seem to see those as much any more.

I was thinking about this when I was reading one of my Batgirl's. She's asking Batman if he knows if Shiva is her mom. He says, he's not sure and that once upon a time, he thought Shiva might be Jason Todd's mom, but he ruled that out. In the comic, there are a couple of panels that are supposed to depict this, including Jason attacking Shiva while Batman follows, which seems kind of unlikely. And my first thought was, what comic was that in. Neither panel really explained how they determined she wasn't Jason's mom, so now I'm wondering what book it was in, so maybe I'd go buy it to find out. That's how a lot of my older issues got purchased. They got referenced in some more recent comic, and I was intrigued enough to want to spend more to read it.

So, any idea what that seems less prevalent? Or am I just reading the wrong books? Back on Friday.

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